Un volto senza la vista – workshop e performance con Unione Italiana Ciechi Onlus

Un volto senza la vista – workshop e performance con Unione Italiana Ciechi Onlus
Un volto senza la vista – workshop e performance con Unione Italiana Ciechi Onlus
category Performance
subject Political / Social, Beauty, Architecture
tags scultura, interattiva , performance , architettura, suono
hours 4000
minutes 100
seconds 100
year 2015
Un volto senza la vista - workshop e performance con Unione Italiana Ciechi Onlus

The artist Salvatore Mauro with the collaboration of Professor Carlo Truppi and the Faculty of Architecture of Syracuse has created a performace project "A face without sight" at the Civic Gallery of Syracuse, the works are structures made from three wooden cubes arranged parallel and well aligned, the work comes from a reinterpretation of the celebrations of Santa Lucia, one of the oldest religious traditions of Syracuse. the artist wants to work on the concept of paradox as blind people give a face to a saint who is the patroness of sight, shaping matter with their hands, this experience is a way to immerse the public in a new aesthetic process , which can be part of everyday life: that of being able to see the light with the eyes inside those of the imagination. The materials chosen to make the sculptures are clay and ceramics, of Sicilian tradition, the workshop carried out before the exhibition with the Unione Italiana Ciechi Onlus was created to give a chance to meet people who are many without sight sometimes deprived of having a possibility of experience such as being artists and exhibiting one of their creations. This workshop highlighted the study of matter, through sculpture with the use of the senses excluding that of sight. The game is to make the face of Saint Lucia born from the darkness of whoever will do the sculptures, a real paradox because a miracle occurs on the contrary it is not the Saint who gives her sight but the blind who will give the Saint shape. Next to the wooden boxes it is possible to listen to the interviews conducted by the artist with the people who participated in the workshop where the dialogue revolves around the concept of light and dark, the action of seeing and not seeing and the different perception of colours.

Performance - installation - workshop - clay, wood, fabric, plastic, sound
salvatore mauro
Photographer, Digital artist, Performer, Painter, Sculptor, Artist, Syracuse
Profile Photo
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