Una sedia, una radio ed una poltrona color rosa pastello dai ricami floreali

Una sedia, una radio ed una poltrona color rosa pastello dai ricami floreali
Una sedia, una radio ed una poltrona color rosa pastello dai ricami floreali
category Installation
subject Political / Social
base 64 cm
height 78 cm
depth 16 cm
year 2023
Mixed media on wood. According to Plato, the Diade constitutes the meeting point between chaos and order, in which the first is everywhere because it is given by matter, which is by nature imprecise, while the second derives from the world of ideas where everything is perfect.
Consequently, in order to ensure that every idea remains so, plays a role is played by the permanent packaging of the work, a practical example of the 'veil of Maya', which does not allow the entire pictorial surface to be seen, leaving room for the imagination.
The use of the 'veil' and the work's title allow not only for the link between the Platonic Chaos and the
Platonic Logos, between visible subjects (whole or in part) and not (no doubt every armchair will be
perfect), but also to give curiosity to the viewer by concealing a large part of the image that will never be
intact but will change continuously, thus representing a reaction to today's overload of images themselves.
Emanuele Buffo
Painter, Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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