category Painting
subject Abstract, Nature
tags universe, pittura, abstract, lightsandshadows, natura, landscape
base 50 cm
height 40 cm
depth 6 cm
year 2021
"The vibrant, almost fluorescent, colours are extremely contemporary, far removed from the dark tones of the past. They resonate with phenomena of the present day, eschewing naturalness in favour of something deliberately artificial, bordering on the synthetic. Yet in the measured use of colour – applications that are layered and juxtaposed, transparent or covering, these works also manage to achieve a sophisticated form of balance that is almost classical in nature, and that we would not expect to find, given the explosive ingredients that the artist starts out from. This balance indeed preserves all the power of the individual impulses and the dissonant centrifugal forces that nonetheless come together harmoniously, exerting a reciprocal influence yet losing none of their force or depth of purity. The work thus presents itself as a complex organism that does not need to be deconstructed or analyzed but simply waits - no small thing! - to be met by the viewer's gaze, in what becomes an opportunity for mutual, silent enrichment."
Gabriele Salvaterra, "An erotics of art", 2021
Elisa Grezzani
Artist, Bolzano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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