UNTITLED# Living archive

UNTITLED# Living archive
UNTITLED# Living archive
category Other
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Architecture
tags #skin, #vulnerability, #porousborders , #tattoointervention, #urbanwounds, #livingarchive , #embodiedgeography , #untitled_valentinamedda, #body
base 0 cm
height 0 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2018
UNTITLED# Living archive | Intervention on skin_2018 on going
UNTITLED# is a living archive of urban traces, a participatory project that only exists as tattoos on people's bodies.
An intimate act of re-appropriation of the public space, the archive collects the signs left on the cities' walls by the passing by of the time and atmospheric agents –its architectural scars and wounds. Once brought to the skin, these signs add up to the ones already existing onto the carrier's body, thus merging private experience and collective memory.
Endlessly ageing and constantly growing, the archive preserves the history of a place and reconsiders the notion of boundaries and geography, thinning the distinction between body and space, private and public, inside and outside. Catalogued by cities, the photographed traces are presented during a one-o-one meeting session or a performative presentation –depending on the context.
valentina medda
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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