Urphanomen Avatar

Urphanomen Avatar
Urphanomen Avatar
category Painting
subject Nature
tags urphanomen, spirits, avatar, tree, nature, phenomenal, faces, shapes, shouts, time, space, phenomenon primordial, foglie, alberi, spiritidellanatura, eidegger, Schelling, pirandello, vitangelomoscarda, unonessunocentomila, maschere, prosopa, solitudine, solipsismo
base 70 cm
height 100 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2017
Acrylic on canvas, original, unique. Trees Series "Urphanomen" are inhabited by the spirits of nature in phenomenal becoming showing faces, shapes, shouts, profiles, beyond time and space. The Urphanomen, primordial phenomenon of Schelling, the original of Eidegger, enclosing ideal and symbolic of Goethe, is here conjugated to the sense of "dispersion" of humanity in the Pirandellos symbolism that assigns roles, parts, masks, characters. The Urphanomen in this Art is "built to plunge to the depths of thought and consideration that knock to spirit" as recalled Vitangelo Moscarda in "One, No one, One hundred thousand." Connections extreme, social networks, the globalized "here and now" destroy the ability to look inward, feeding a solipsistic solitude surface. So then the Art can be a tool for knowledge, to look at our individual self, the dark side, the monsters and the sublime heights to which we are made, the Avatars ... precisely.

Mina Cappussi
Artist, Bojano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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