category Sculpture
subject Political / Social
base 105 cm
height 120 cm
depth 15 cm
year 2022
"Utereyes" is a neologism created by the artist that combines the words "Uterus" and "Eyes". It is a pattern composed of two stylized uteri, with the reflection of one upon the other creating an eye that symbolically represents awareness. In the artist's own words, "Utereyes represents women's freedom of choice, both with regards to their bodies and their sexuality. It is an active, consenting, and vigilant uterus, no longer passive and subject to the impositions of others, whether through social, ethical, or religious dogma. It is a symbol of the freedom to be first and foremost a person, beyond gender. The development of Utereyes is an ongoing work in progress, depending on the materials that intrigue me, from printing to sewing, with the latest action being a tapestry work.
Elena Ketra
Artist, Castelfranco Veneto
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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