Ver Sacrum (stabat mater)

Ver Sacrum (stabat mater)
Ver Sacrum (stabat mater)
category Sculpture
subject Nude, Human figure, Erothism, Beauty
tags eros, holy, sacro, nude, religion, erotic, critica
base 22 cm
height 54 cm
depth 14 cm
year 2020
19th century monstrance, anatomical plaster cast
unique work

The "sacred", by definition, is separate from life. It is something "other" that seems to go beyond human dynamics to take refuge in a divine dimension, exclusive to a certain type of belief or religion.
The reflection brought about by the manipulation of the object brings the sphere of the sacred back to a purely human root and overturns its sense coordinates in favor of an intimately human, individual experience of the sacred, which cannot be separated from eroticism and divinization. of female anatomy, sometimes martyred, other times trivialized and generally inflated in our contemporaneity.
A femininity that lies like a relic, testimony of a sacrifice repeated over time.

The work aims to restore dignity to the erotic dimension of man and to the female body poetics, through a symbolic reversal that appropriates the religious simulacrum, now stripped of ideologies and preconceptions of any kind, brought back to authentic purity...
Marco Corridoni
Painter, Sculptor, Bassano del Grappa
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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