category Installation
subject Abstract
base 180 cm
height 1 cm
depth 60 cm
year 2024
Thin layer

Because what separates us from the rest of the world is nothing more than a light but visible casing that protects, isolates and determines a boundary.
The same casing also allows us to establish, with what surrounds us, a connection, a fleeting or prolonged contact through which knowledge occurs.

Starting from this assumption, Igor Grigoletto develops his own personal cognitive modality through which he enters into a relationship with the external environment, with the territory, with nature and with the elements that compose it.
Air, water, fire and earth interact - in different but astonishing ways - with the proposed work: a thin layer of mirrored glass that reflects and absorbs the magnificence of nature.
Through this installation created using rectangular mirrored glass, arranged to form a direction indicator, the artist reflects on the concept of knowledge and discovery, of visual and sensorial exploration, of territorial, morphological and anthropological analysis.
Just as the human being enters into a deep connection with what surrounds him through contact, so the artist enters into symbiosis with the surrounding territory through his reflection, an image that constantly changes both by remaining still and by moving his body around it.
It is the environment that communicates with the subject who looks, it is the outside that draws the attention of the one who tries to read - through non-tactile but visual contact - the signals arriving from what is outside of us.
The thin layer of mirrored glass positioned in direct contact with the earth and indirectly with the sky, thus acts as a cognitive modality, as an empirical tool useful for establishing that intimate form of perception that goes beyond the senses and attempts to push beyond, beyond the conventional form of conceptual acquisition.
The Salema Eco Camp Natural Park is inscribed in the work, inhabits it and gives it life through a dual vision of the world; the work is able to take on many forms, what is indicated by the union of the two mirrors can be read as a suggestion of gaze, a suggestion to direct attention towards the infinite possibilities that the world is able to offer.

The four elements, the energy released and the vibrant force are reflected in the work and in the gaze of those who approach it to experience it.
4 mm extra-clear mirrors ground on the edges
Igor Grigoletto
Artist, Castellaro
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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