“Vespa”, serie “Circus”

“Vespa”, serie “Circus”
“Vespa”, serie “Circus”
category Sculpture
subject Abstract
base 48 cm
height 52 cm
depth 32 cm
year 2022
"Vespa", metal, paint
Vespa is small, agile and fun. Roll around the arena, spinning the colorful wheels and amusing the audience.
The series "Circus" (2022) is a Fellinian procession of a traveling technical circus along the sea. "Fall and get up laughing!"- the motto of our circus!
In the turquoise-coral range of the series, there are memories of the hot sun, the smell of the sea and bright candy. And music away from the circus tent. Expectations, joy, wind, future... But why this black color? This is an adult story that children will learn later: even after a hundred falls, a circus artist will find the strength to get up and smile.
Sculptor, Artist, Penne
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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