Visita al Sacro Pomodoro-Raccoglitori (#2)

Visita al Sacro Pomodoro-Raccoglitori (#2)
Visita al Sacro Pomodoro-Raccoglitori (#2)
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Human figure
tags raccolta pomodori, lavoro nero, caporalato, nuova schiavitù, human rights, politiche migratorie, degrado, valori umani, democratic values, pomodoro, migranti, pastelli, cartone ondulato
base 300 cm
height 200 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
One of the works of the installation “Visit to the Sacred Tomato”. The point of view of migrants, their expectations and the reality they face once they have reached the dream destination. The desire to escape from a place where war, hunger and everything that makes life hell is so strong that it faces journeys of fear in the hope of a land where to start living again. Most of the time this reality turns into a new fear, revealing itself only a dream, while the reality manifests itself as degraded living conditions, often real slavery. - Soft pastels on corrugated packaging cartons, with the removal of the unpainted surface of the carton. The installation, made up of 7 works that make up a sort of small temple where you can enter invited by a seductive advertising lure, was created for participation in the Lucca Biennale-Cartasia 2020, but due to the pandemic published in the same event in 2021. Subsequently selected and published for Human-Rights #No-Gap at the Campana dei Caduti Foundation in Rovereto in 2022.
gianfranco gentile
Performer, Painter, Verona
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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