category Installation
subject Abstract
tags italianfactory, factory, knowhow, time , recycling, sculpture, francescoardini, scultura, installazione, acetate, acetato
base 100 cm
height 100 cm
depth 40 cm
year 2023
unique piece. Acetate, original metal structure from the factory

In my practice, through the use and misuse of material I am in search of organic sensations.
Acetate has a surprisingly organic feel. I want to work it raw, as an animal skin with tools that I can take from the factory.
My aim is to create something primitive and personal yet industrial.
The processing of the development of the work is closely related to one of the key steps in the production of acetate. (Italian) Craftsmanship, time, and the uniqueness of the material are key elements of the language.
Francesco Ardini
Sculptor, Nove
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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