VOICESCAPE#2 – the inner landscape

VOICESCAPE#2 – the inner landscape
category Performance
subject Abstract, Landscape
tags Landscape, Voice, sound art, impromptu choir, Site-specific, interactive
minutes 40
seconds 0
year 2016
Interactive impromptu choir performance.
The voice-work is collective but the investigation is individual. The voice instrument, deprived of formal aesthetics, is a probe that penetrates, scrutinizes and magnifies the most underground passages of our being. The voice, without words, reveals the unspoken, reveals an essence that is lost in the signifier of which we are often victims and perpetrators. The voice without words, becomes an empty channel of information that gushes out in a flow that defines us.
In this flow arises spontaneously the changeable and fleeting form of the song, emerging and returning from the vocal magma, from the encounter of individuals. As in a cosmogony, we can go back to the origin through the chaos of multiplicity.

The voice recordings are the original ones taken during some of the interactive performances (the audience was around 60 people).
It is recommended to use headphones for a more immersive listening.
Performer, Sound designer, Florence
Profile Photo
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ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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