Was it me? Screen memories

Was it me? Screen memories
category Video
subject Travels, Political / Social, Human figure
tags viaggio, forme di colonialismo, violenza, alterità, esotico, identità, costruzione identitaria
minutes 8
seconds 6
year 2017
Full HD video colour, 5.1 sound stereo
5+2 AP

A voyeuristic journey through unknown places and familiar memories. Made of digital images, everyday objects and souvenirs, it flows away due to the misleading annulment of geographical and existential distances, processes of acceleration and technological progress.
The film consists of videos and photographs found in sharing platforms and social networks, that, together with historical archival images watchable in internet, create the background of the narration.
The images, home-made as well as official, are re-filmed through the screen of a computer, space in which they seem captured. They shape a discontinuous landscape, composed of conceptual and visual references showing the topic of the travel (physical and virtual) in its several meanings.
Hereby, a dialogue between the images and the close-ups of some souvenirs appears. By writing on the surface of objects, the artist raises questions on the creation of the otherness, the role of images in cultural narratives, the exoticism intrinsic in the idea of travelling and mass tourism: identity appears as a doubt.
Luca Staccioli
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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