We can Dance

We can Dance
We can Dance
category Photography
subject Political / Social
tags public space, good mood, happyness, dance, ballare, realtà aumentata, augmented reality, interaction, pandemia, Covid-19
base 200 cm
height 180 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
Hannes Egger created the augmented reality work „We can Dance“ 2020 for the art in public space project „KOPFhoch“ by Meranoarte,. Using the smartphone app ARTIVIVE, the person in the picture starts dancing to the song “The Safty Dance” by Men Without Hats. The work is a call to pull one’s head out of the sand after the COVID-19 conditional lockdown, to accept the situation, to dance safely and joyfully through life. Hannes Egger exclusively used the internet to realize the work: He found the emblematic song as well as the Chinese dancer on the World Wide Web. The artist thus reflects the global networking of communication and production in times of social distance.

Hannes Egger
We can dance
Print on paper, Augmented Reality (Video)
Photo: Andreas Marini
Hannes Egger
Artist, Merano
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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