Ryman (Roller Painting)

Ryman (Roller Painting)
Ryman (Roller Painting)
category Painting
subject Abstract
tags Suprematismo, Geometric abstraction, White
base 50 cm
height 50 cm
depth 8 cm
year 2020
Ryman (Roller Painting)
Oil on canvas, polypropylene nylon (holder), roller skates. 50 cm x 50 cm x 8cm.

Ryman is part of the series of works called “Wearable Paintings”. The wooden canvas has been covered with cotton fabric (free of prime) and painted on both the front and the backside. At the top of the square canvas a nylon holder has been applied, allowing the painting to be carried like a bag. At the bottom of the canvas two roller skates have been attached giving the painting the possibility to be rolled around.
Franklin Collao
Painter, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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