TOMMASO Tommaso Panichi
Artist, Pietrasanta
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similar projects
category Exhibition
location Venice (Veneto - Italy)
deadline 30 Dec 2024

Taking inspiration from the 2024 Art Biennale entitled "Foreigners Everywhere", the AUT-SIDER project was born; A solo exhibition by the autistic artist Tommaso Panichi with the aim not only of promoting the artist but also:

- change the way we consider autistic people
- discover that non-neurotypical people can have legitimate ambitions and desires and the ability to realize them, if adequately supported
- change the way we relate to those who seem "different" to us
-give the contemporary art scene the contribution of perspectives that have explored beyond the boundaries of "normality"

A different mind is much more than a different mentality, neurodivergent are always foreigners, even at home. They always translate and, sometimes, try to lead us into their way and their world. Nothing is taken for granted for those who, like Tommaso, observe the world of neurotypical from outside.
Tommaso creates illogical logics, paints landscapes, emotions and stories, searches for assonance, recomposes sensations and thoughts in an authentic language that reveals itself in front of the viewer.

In the project, we would like to involve other realities of the local artistic scene active in our same direction.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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