Artist, Rome
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category Exhibition
location Milan (Lombardy - Italy)
deadline 30 Jan 2022

The project proposes a reflection on violence starting from a famous TV series from the 80s in which we witness the struggle between the two female protagonists of Dinasty, ended with the destruction of a painting. The original footage has been manipulated and all the canvases that appear in the video have been replaced with artist works. The paintings represent masterpieces of the past destroyed by human violence. The iconographies, unrecognizable, are digital synthesis of old historical photographs, transformed into collages of fabrics. The works are monuments to memory, designed not to fill a loss but to give voice to those who no longer have it. In the video, in addition to the canvases, a neon was also inserted that illuminates the scene of the struggle. The words are a declaration of love written on a city wall by an anonymous lover, faithfully reproduced respecting the author's handwriting.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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