Fondazione Archivio Franco Onali

Franco Onali
Painter, Arezzo
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Fondazione Archivio Franco Onali
category Ideas
location Arezzo (Tuscany - Italy)
deadline 04 Sep 2022

Arezzo October 2019, by the will of Maestro Franco Onali and his wife Anna Maria Roncoroni, the Cultural Association Archivio Franco Onali, which collects all the documentation on the artist's activity, committing itself to protecting his work, promoting research and the knowledge and to create the digital and paper catalog raisonné of the works. The goal of our Association for the future is to establish itself as a Foundation and make an important nucleus of works by Franco Onali available to the city, (realizing the possible recovery of a large space in the center already viewed and on which the young architect Marco Cittadini is working for feasibility studies) alongside the works of the most significant artists of the twentieth century "in Arezzo, thus filling a great cultural void.
Together with the activity of Maestro Onali, the Association intends to re-evaluate and historicize the most important artists of the second half of the 20th century who worked and lived in Arezzo, to promote initiatives aimed at young artists, to organize conferences and meetings in order to develop a contemporary feeling.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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