MiTch Laurenzana
Graphic artist, Digital artist, Artist, Modena
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category Exhibition
deadline 24 Dec 2023

Today we are beautiful, but perhaps soulless.
(in)human is a complex project with which I wanted to imagine the intention of "beings" who descend to earth and merge with us, with human features.
If this were to ever happen, what could it offer us by unmasking us of everything we insist on wanting to show?
Inside, are we really that beautiful and perfect? Or - through the pursuit of a flawless appearance - are we rather pulped, wrapped up in worries and torn by the future that evolves towards uncertainty, unhappy and scratched by selfishness tinseled in altruism?
Today society is compromised, as is the skin of (in)humans.
And I let myself be hypnotized by their eyes, able to dig inside me. THEY have souls. Deep, sincere, which surpasses our now neglected and favorable to the fictitious search for perfection.

What troubles me every time I observe these looks? The fact that they have been generated through long attempts at a language written with OpenAI DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion that is, they are the result of an artificial intelligence that works by recombining an endless archive of images and following a series of text instructions provided by me. I came out of the role of artist to make long attempts as a prompter, refining the text before evolving the goal.
So I don't want to go into the debated topic of AI, as a skeptic I wanted to experiment with a piece of the future, letting myself be disturbed by the result obtained and recognizing AI's great ability to shape new forms of culture and knowledge that man would never have thought of imagine.
What I propose is not an "artistically perfect" image, but a message.
Through the eyes of these (in)humans I can dare to suggest it to you.

That moment is now!

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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