L’ulivo del Salento

Lorenzo Calogiuri
Sculptor, Lizzanello
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L’ulivo del Salento
category Exhibition
location Lecce (Apulia - Italy)
deadline 30 Dec 2021

What is happening in the Salento countryside is disheartening and terrible, and what is worse is that it still doesn't seem to stop, I'm talking about the drying of the olive trees. Centuries-old and millenary olive trees are dying and the rescue operations are few and scarce. what will remain of them? I am aware that as an artist, I can do little for the olive trees, but what I am doing with my latest sculptures is to remember their memory, their memory. What I haven't had the chance to do yet is organize an event with an exhibition of my marble olive trees in the Salento area. My last sculpture represents the desiccation, while all the previous ones represent the beauty of the olive trees. Gathering all these works in an artistic event would be my desire, so that the Salento area can take them into account.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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