micro presepi

Artist, Bagheria
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micro presepi
category Exhibition
location Rome (Latium - Italy)
deadline 30 Jan 2023

Each work of art finds its language through ...
A creed, a personal path of a spiritual and introspective nature ... and here it is not difficult to understand why an artist chooses to dialogue with the observer through the nativity, which has always been the maximum expression of the miracle of life, pure and uncontaminated love and salvation of the human soul often full of torment. Art in its essence should not be described, but felt in a timeless time, like the life of a child who is always alive, who despite today's frenzy invites us to stop, to decide which is the way to go in life. As with all faiths, it is in the eyes of the observer of the artistic work to welcome the meaning of a story, perhaps always the same, but capable of arousing ever new emotions. The free interpretation of a human creation, which contemplates God's creation, this as a sense of the task of a contemporary artist such as Carmelo Maria Carollo from Bagheria, who began his research of reworking the traditional nativity scene iconography as early as 2009. His micro cribs with a diameter of 10 cm are a combination of Plexiglas and precious metal, they are distinguished by the representation of the nativity in an innovative way, the processing of the materials and symbolisms that are sometimes conceptual, combined with the goldsmith's art.
The research of C.M. Carollo, initially focuses on the study of more classical expressive forms of the nativity such as those of Giotto, later on he dedicates himself to the reworking of the camouflaged sacred of great artists such as Giorgio de Chirico and his metaphysics, Cornelis Mondriaan and his neoplasticism, Pablo Picasso and his cubist revolution in contemporary art, finally reaches an almost graphic interpretation and geometries similar to POPART, this research thus leads the observer to a completely new vision of the world of the nativity scene.
A detachment from the concept of painting or sculpture in traditional sacred art linked to the nativity becomes fundamental for the artist in the GoldCaos collaboration, with the use of plastic materials on one side and metals on the other, the human hand that forges and molds, making joy (jewel) even a hard material through a charitable vision and Christian faith based on love, not only in the context of the birth of a life like that of Jesus, but also towards the love of an ideal and love For the life.
Some of the micro nativity scenes by C.M. Carollo have already been the subject of a gift to Pope Francis, who appreciated their representative uniqueness.
GoldCaos therefore welcomes Pope Francis' appeal to artists through his works.
“The gifts you have received are a responsibility and a mission for each of you. Gifts and talents are not to be used in the pursuit of vain glory or easy popularity. You are called, through your gifts, drawing from the spiritual source, to propose an alternative way of understanding the quality of life, and to encourage a prophetic lifestyle, capable of deeply rejoicing without being obsessed with consumption, artists are called to create of oasis of beauty, in our cities. YOU ARE CALLED TO KNOW THE FREEDOM OF BEAUTY. " POPE FRANCESCO
Carmelo Maria Carollo also exhibited his works for several years with the association A.I.C.I.S. - Italian Association of Sacred Imagery Cultivators.
"AMOR VINCIT OMNIA ET NOS CEDAMUS AMORI" (Love wins everything, let us surrender to love too.) A work of art always has a life of its own, which borders on logos, poetry and philosophy. The object comes to life from the moment the observer grasps the mystery of elements that cannot be explained in words, but are perceived as meaning. In GoldCaos, with new creations dedicated to the nativity, we identify classical iconography in a new guise; the nativity as a precious work in motion, in which a change of direction towards the love of God represents the divine part that has survived in human beings.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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