Perla Vergine

Artist, Bologna
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Perla Vergine
category Exhibition
location Milan (Lombardy - Italy)
deadline 30 Mar 2025

“Perla Vergine” is an artistic project that encompasses photography, video art and live performances.
Its creator is Perla, an Italian artist who for years has dedicated herself to the exploration and sharing of Eros as the driving force of our earthly and spiritual existence.
"Perla Vergine" is the exploration of Desire: the artist surrenders her body to manifest the power of Eros, with the eye of the beholder and the relationship that forms as fundamental elements of this exploration.
Perla’s body wants, needs to be observed, scrutinized in search of answers to primal questions like: How do we love? What is attraction? What do we want to be?
Perla poses these questions both to herself and those observing her, helping them in their search for answers through the physicality of her art.
"Perla Vergine" draws out the being formed of Desire that hides within each and every one of us, to give us the chance to finally be ourselves in a stronger, more sincere way, without filters.
It’s is a journey both visual and tactile that invites participants to look at life through the eyes of Love.
Perla has been portrayed by the big names of international photography as well as by amateurs – intentionally without distinction.
Details of the body, the gaze and the most ecstatic moments of pleasure: Perla is strongly connected to the most intimate part of her being, and gives herself totally to the other, carrying those who experience ecstasy with her toward the most hidden corners of their soul, to then move together toward the Light.
In the video artworks Perla is both creator and protagonist.
Drawing on her theatrical experience prior to the birth of the Perla project, treading the stages of countries with very different cultures, from Italy and the United States to Japan and Iran, Perla uses seemingly chaotic images, sounds and montages to stimulate the viewer, catching anyone expecting a banal series of explicit images totally off guard, who instead find themselves amazed, sometimes shaken, in their search for an interpretation that can be nothing if not personal, and above all different for each of us.
The Video Section of "Perla Vergine" consists of seven videos, with the number 7 symbolizing completeness, the mystical search into the most remote parts of our existence until reaching its deepest meaning.
There are two acts in “Perla Vergine”: “Desire”, at the end of the visit to the exhibition on the opening day (a video of the performance will then be visible during the other days); “The Virgin Pearl”, in the last moments of the last day of the exhibition.
“Desire”: Perla, enclosed inside a specially created structure, offers itself to visitors who will be able to look and seek contact with the artist with a series of modalities that reflect the state of mind with which each of us approaches to Eros.
“The Virgin Pearl”: on a completely bare stage close to the spectators, Pearl appears with her sex covered and tied, because as a human being intent on living her sexuality freely, she has been transformed by the world into an idol of perversity. “La Perla Vergine” is a performance that will require emotional interaction with the audience, who will be able to intervene and collectively share the flow of their sensations.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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