
francesco campese
Painter, Rome
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similar projects
category Seeking artists
location Rome (Latium - Italy)
deadline 28 Feb 2021
Seeking artists


The Uranus Space proposes Pitturantena, an initiative that aims to promote the figurative painting of these "days". The theme of the initiative is free. A winner will be selected from the participating artists and the prize will be awarded.

How to participate
The initiative is free and has no age or nationality limit, the way to participate consists in publishing a post on the Uranus Space page with three images of your works and a short biography of up to 800 characters. The works presented must be exclusively pictorial, preferring the figurative.
The final publication deadline is set for 30.06.2020
Link fb: https://www.facebook.com/spaziourano/

Personal exhibition at the Uranus Space in March 2021.
Exhibition catalog.
Date and curator to be defined.
Organization costs are all borne by the Uranus Space.
The selected artist will have to commit to work and collaborate with the space for his staff by working on a small series of unpublished works.

Seat of the Uranus Space
Via Sampiero di Bastelica 12, 00176 Rome

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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