TAOmaturgia: il sogno dei 64 esagrammi a colori

Gianfranco Ucci
Digital artist, Painter, Video artist, Rome
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TAOmaturgia: il sogno dei 64 esagrammi a colori
category Seeking artists
location Rome (Latium - Italy)
deadline 01 Mar 2024
Seeking artists

<<... I wide-eyed dreamed of the 64 color hexagrams
and that vision / mirage forces me to the disclosure mission. But we need to get closer to the goal of the gaze.>>

Gianfranco Ucci

The artistic-philosophical research starts from the point where the Roman artist, the master Gianfranco Ucci, creator and director of the TAOmaturgia Laboratory, left off.
Artists are sought for the creation of a digital catalog and a collective installation.

The TAOmaturgy Laboratory was born from a vision of the artist between the dream and the imaginary of the 64 color hexagrams as a possible key to understanding Yi Jing through artistic practice.

22.03.2006  – The intrinsic premise

The existential subjects Laura Ciminelli, sinologist and Gianfranco Ucci, artist agree to activate a synergy aimed at identifying the theoretical parameters useful for the realization of the Taomaturgia project. The cultural objective consists in spreading to the reachable world an immeasurably high instrument of wisdom, through the creation of the 64 color hexagrams. The artistic goal is configured in the creation of about 64 systematic and implicitly structured paintings and digital works. The neologism "taomaturgy" was therefore born at the dawn of the third millennium with the aim of conceiving the utopia of visualizing the "Tao" whose essence is found (it seems to us) in the well-known pattern of the 64 Hexagrams. Following a premonition between the oneiric and the imaginary which previously manifested itself in terms of a mirage, it seemed to us that the objective of the work consisted in the attribution of chromatic values ​​(to date not yet identified) for each of the 384 lines of which said pattern is composed. Preliminarily, the exploration of the parameters for the realization of the work involved a first approach to the intimate structure of the hexagram and to the sequences or arrangements of the trigrams and hexagrams, according to the traditional cycles of the "anterior Heaven" and the "posterior Heaven". As is known, the 64 hexagrams can be decoded in terms of binary-type arithmetic digits,  but one can imagine how the ancient patterns (sequences of Fu Xi and King Wen) hide a formal meaning that has not yet come to light. The way that leads to the hexagram passes through the 8 trigrams, they are composed starting from 2 fundamental elements that generate 4 images. To come to the single hexagram, it must be decomposed into 2 pairs of trigrams: the component ones and the structuring ones. Fuxi's 64 hexagrams actually represent the first binary system in the history of the world; the same method developed by the 17th-century German scientist Leibniz is the basis of how computers work today. But modern humanity, although enjoying a very high technological level, nevertheless does not possess a wisdom equal to that of the ancients. Through the understanding of ancient wisdom, bringing well-being to modern humanity is the goal of the TAOmaturgia artistic laboratory.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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