Wandering Together/Crossing Bridges

Maria Katharina Rauchenberger
Artist, Florence
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Wandering Together/Crossing Bridges
category Other
location Florence (Tuscany - Italy)
deadline 29 Sep 2023

Wandering Together/Crossing Bridges aims to enhance the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of Florence and Lucerne through the creation of digital photographs and videos, ideally also available in augmented reality.
Developing between real and virtual, the works will be available through an application where they will be geolocated and remotely on digital devices.
In particular, the project will focus on the Ponte di Santa Trìnita and the Kapellbrücke. Frequented daily by residents and passers-by, these two iconic places are part of the cultural heritage of the community due to their strong historical, cultural and artistic value. These bridges are representative of the historical events and human vicissitudes of Lucerne and Florence: after being built, they were destroyed by wars and fires, only to be faithfully rebuilt each time by human work.
The intent is to present these two important places from a new perspective with a contemporary gaze.
Wandering Together /Crossing Bridges was born from the deep personal bond with the two countries (I was born in Morges and I live and work in Florence) and from the desire to give life to a project that can be replicated in other cities to create a cultural bridge between different countries.
The bridge, in fact, is the metaphor of the encounter, of the passage from one bank to the other and of the relationship between human beings, be it constructive or destructive.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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