WEAR – a taste of turismo & cultura

Francesca Boi / Freshen
Artist, Rosignano Monferrato
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WEAR – a taste of turismo & cultura
category Travels
location Rosignano Monferrato (Piedmont - Italy)
deadline 29 Apr 2023

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1.489 / 5.000
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Wear is to wear the territory.

If we think of our best dress, the meaning embodies a concept of habit-habitat, inexorably linked.
This open project is an intent to communicate the need for mutual and widespread collaboration.
Create networks of connected activities and professionals who, together, move on a perceptive and sensorial journey, combining culture and territory.
Feeding the territory and raising awareness through tourism, a vision of interconnection between local culture, the knowledge that passes through the hands and the artistic, historical and contemporary culture, for a renaissance of all entrepreneurs and all activities that have their roots in ours history, in our nature and which intend to interface with the whole world.
If I were to truly describe myself for who I am, I would simply say this:
"I observe the colors with my eyes closed. Reality is already formed in thoughts".
I have a great dream: to bring the territories to live in a sustainable way thanks to culture and tourism, creating synergies with people and developing and activating innovative projects. A sort of redemption and a gradual revenge of activities linked to culture, focusing on the love for nature and the art of doing few things, with care and dedication.

Our territory is a scenario of beauty and excellence, it can become an invaluable resource for a careful and conscious future.

Humanity that dresses it self in Nature.

(Google translator

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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