Massimo Scognamiglio

Profile picture of Massimo Scognamiglio
Artist, photographer and digital evangelist, Massimo Scognamiglio is recognized as a web pioneer in Italy. He has been painting, photographing and exhibiting since the mid-90s. Since 2006 he has lived for two years in California, then for a short period he moves to Paris where he paints, photographs, designs performances, his most famous Rebirth, which took place in 2016 at Place de la République. Today, he lives and works in Rome, in his studio-house-gallery, known as Le Petit Atelier.
Artista, fotografo e digital evangelist, Massimo Scognamiglio è riconosciuto come un pioniere del web in Italia. Dipinge, fotografa ed espone da metà degli anni ’90. Dal 2006 vive due anni in California, poi per un breve periodo si trasferisce a Parigi dove dipinge, fotografa, progetta performance, la sua più nota Rebirth, svoltasi nel 2016 a Place de la République. Oggi, vive e lavora a Roma, nel suo studio-abitazione-galleria, conosciuto come Le Petit Atelier.

2021 - Strappi e Profezie /// Casa 94 Gallery
2021 - I 12 Apostoli /// Takeawaygallery
2019 - MACRO Museo di Arte Contemporanea Roma - Short film
2018 - Hawton Space, Rome "Pensiero Stupendo" (part of the project Tales of humans in a landscape")
2018 - Imago Projects - Photo Festival, Orbetello "Tales of humans in a landcape"
2018 - Palazzo Velli Expo, Rome. "Atto Secondo", la collettiva di fotografia a cura della Takeawaygallery
2017 - Chiesa di Santa Maria di Costantinopoli Solo Exhibition Punk Aristocracy by Carlotta Monteverde
2016 - Palazzo BUSCO Velli Solo Exhibition curated by Katy Spurrell & Nicolas Ballario
2016 - Ex-Dogana Performance & photographs REBIRTH
2016 - Paris, Place de la Républque Performance & photographs REBIRTH
2016 - Takeawaygallery Solo Exhibition Punk Aristocracy curated by Carlotta Monteverde
2012 - VARCO Pigneto Solo Exhibition AIDS NOT DEAD
2005 Museo Pecci di Prato Video Minuto Special event Solo Exhibition - "Visual thoughts on fashion magazine"
1998 Palazzo delle Esposizioni Roma Collective Exhibition curated by Mariangela Shoether La Coscienza Luccicante
1999 - Explorer Coffee Gallery Collective Exhibition curated by Gianluca Marziani
1998 - Extra Gallery Solo Exhibition "Macchine di tortura"
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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