Xinhan Yú

Foto del profilo di Xinhan Yú




Xinhan Yú (Nanking CHN, 1996)
He graduated in Pittura Arti Visive in the Two-year Specialisation Course in Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna in 2022. He currently resides in Bologna.
In Yu's interventions, there is always a taste for spectacle, humor and the grotesque, and his provocations resonate with Chinese youth; he hides irony and metaphors in his imaginary plot, flirting with the problems of new-age Chinese society in a crude but playful way. The desire for revenge, the need to act and the desire to circumvent a system that oppresses and inhibits are the motivations that stimulate the works of XinHan Yú, an artist of Chinese origin who uses different mediums as a tool for social criticism; a means to exhume a memory, personal and collective, of a reality that needs to be brought to light. His current practice revolves around power structures and institutions of violence.
exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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