Aleksandra de Pan

Foto del profilo di Aleksandra de Pan
“Aleksandra is in front of the canvas. She observes it, in her size and emptiness. She begins, without a well-defined idea, to paint, guided by her own affinity and sensitivity and always listening to her heart, gradually completing her opera.” - in this sequence there is one of the most characteristic acts of the artist Aleksandra de Pan, whose passion for art and painting was born from a very young age.

Aleksandra de Pan is a painter of Russian origin currently living in Italy (Florence) which, thanks to its landmark art, culture and nature contributed to further develop her artistic vein.

Today she has received several recognitions from some of the sector leading critics and has showcased her works at a number of exhibitions, both domestically as well as internationally.

From an educational perspective, although Aleksandra gained a degree in non-art subject, for 3 years she read at the Institute of Design in Moscow, where she gained the basic knowledge of academic painting.

In her style converge elements of surrealism and expressionism, whilst her approach to painting mirrors the "high Renaissance" instinct of following what is dictated by her senses.  The result is unique works, heirs of the twentieth-century tradition of conceptual painting, an art full of hidden meanings, which challenges the observer to investigate the unknown.

Mirror of her own personality, Aleksandra de Pan is constantly looking for stimuli that lead her to experiment new techniques and styles in her works.

Selected Group Exhibitions:
June, 2021 - Effeto Arte Gallery, “Artista dell’anno”, Palermo, Italy
July, 2021 – Spoleto ARTE, Spoleto, Italy
October, 2021 – Premio Vittorio Sgarbi, Ferrara, Italy
December, 2021- Febuary, 2022 – Biennale Fondazione Amadeo Modigliani, Venice, Italy
March, 2022 – Area Contesa Arte Gallery, “Tredonne”, Rome, Italy
May – June, 2022 - ITSLIQUID International Art Fair, Anima Mundi 2022 – Consciousness, Venice, Italy
June, 2022 – Art & Wine Festival, Dürnstein Abbey, Austria
October, 2022 - exhibition AQUA, 18th edition of the Giornata del Contemporaneo, Rossocinabro Gallery sponsored by AMACI (Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums), Rome, Italy
May, 2023 – exhibition “Psiche”, Amadeo Modigliani Foundation, Rome, Italy

March, 2023 - World Art Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Honors and Awards:
Artista dell’anno 2020, Palermo, Italy, June, 2021
Premio Dante Alighieri, Florence, Italy, July, 2021
Premio Vittorio Sgarbi, Ferrara, Italy, October, 2021
Premio Maestri a Milano, Milan, Italy, January, 2022

Virtual Exhibitions:
January, 2022 – The Holy Art Gallery, exhibition Clash, London, England

Publications and Media:
exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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