Guglielmo Gilardi

Digital artist, Artist
Profile picture of Guglielmo Gilardi

Not to Forget

Not to Forget+
My name is Guglielmo Gilardi and I am an Italian digital artist.

I was born in Novara on 03/07/2002 and I approached the world of digital art around 2020, to then cultivate this passion through graphic design studies.

Over the years I have always tried to express myself through art without ever making it public, until I approached digital art and in particular NFTs, so, seeing the need to express myself grow in me, I decided to immerse myself in this new way of making art to be able to share it with as many people as possible.

In addition to expressing my pain or my joy, I have used the creation of works to implement a sort of criticism of the society that surrounds us, in which I have lived and still live based on my personal experiences.

For the creation of the works I use different techniques, in particular for the works dealing with pain and the critical ones I tend to create concept art or 3D modeling, while I prefer illustrations to express the most joyful part of me.

In recent years I'm finishing my graphic design studies acquiring the skills of computer graphic and 3D artist.
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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