Amo la natura, a modo mio. Albero 2

Amo la natura, a modo mio. Albero 2
Amo la natura, a modo mio. Albero 2
category Sculpture
subject Nature, Abstract
tags ecosystem, ecosistema, natura, nature, legno, wood, equilibrio, equilibrium
base 40 cm
height 170 cm
depth 40 cm
year 2013
Walnut wood, metal
Unique work

I love nature, in my own way
I love it when it’s gentle, when it’s easy to love.
But if there’s any effort required, or rather if there’s a need for change, or even if I have to downsize... I’m with it, of course, but it’s nature that must bend to my will. Not the other way around.
After all, this is the time when men hit their partners because “they love them too much”. The title is not accidental, the word love is not accidental. Just like the possessive adjective my isn’t. Love and forced actions coexist in these works, intertwining like the fibers of wood. There’s a nature that is the mother of life and is sending us a cry for survival that we hear, but then fail to put into practice. Because it’s inconvenient. Because I only ride my bike if it’s not raining. Because I turn off the lights, but not always. Because I buy organic products only if they’re on sale. And I separate my waste, but it’s so hard to differentiate everything. So, loving in our own way is simply, humanly, this. Whispering sweet words while we’re setting up a bitter future. In these works, I give new life to what is no longer vital. By creating a structure that doesn’t belong to it and introducing foreign bodies, I return a natural element that is no longer as it was. It’s modified according to my liking, just like my love for it. Because, in the end, I truly love nature. The trees, the wood, the silent stories they tell. My research begins with the choice of the log- or what remains of it - from which gathering messages and intimate impulses that communicate the natural strength of ancient wisdom.
Following chlorophyll entanglements, studying the knots, listening to the stories that rings of time can tell, caressing the warm surface, smelling the scent that the woody essence gives, it’s just the beginning. To break down and rebuild, to give new life to what was merely a dead log. Can I do it? Perhaps. Can I offer a new interpretation? I hope so. But in the meantime, these pieces of wood are no longer nature. Just like our clumsy efforts of love, trying to breathe life back into a planet that has less and less of it.

I love nature, in my own way. Tree 2
In this sculpture titled Tree 2, the log of a walnut tree has been divided into portions with inclined cuts throughout its whole length. Then, the pieces have been reunited in the same order but rotating and shifting each element from its natural axis. Each part has been fixed to the previous one with a pivot.
The result is a structure on the appearance unstable, a little mobile, but living off its own studied balance.
This artwork represents the extreme fragility that our planet is facing, attacked from multiple sides like politics and economics interests and human selfishness. However, every piece is essential to sustain the one above and if one is missing, the balance of life is lost.
The installation underlines the complexity of elemental interconnections composing our ecosystem where each one has a crucial role of the whole preservation. The message invites the spectator to think about our responsibility towards the environment and the importance of preserving and protecting every part, even the ones that may seem less significant or unrelated from our point of view. It invites us to consider the consequences of our own actions and to look for solutions that can respect the precious and fragile balance of nature.
Guido Adaglio
Painter, Sculptor, Artist, Gravere
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exibart prize N4
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