Arbre Magique

Arbre Magique
Arbre Magique
category Sculpture
subject Nature, Political / Social
tags scultura , concept, marble, deforestazione, tree, foreste , ambiente, arbremagique
base 30 cm
height 53 cm
depth 13 cm
year 2020
Guatemala green sculpture (one piece)
Without plants, life on Earth would not be possible, in no time both man and other animals would be condemned to extinction.
On the contrary, if man were to disappear, the plants would take very little to colonize the entire planet by taking possession of the cities as well.
Deforestation is the main threat, but concrete, urgent and immediate action is needed before we reach the environmental disaster without a point of no return.
Beppe Borella
Sculptor, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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