Confessions of a Mask (c’mon now)

Confessions of a Mask (c’mon now)
category Video
subject Human figure, Erothism, Beauty
tags eros, videoart
minutes 8
seconds 56
year 2023
Confessions of a Mask is inspired by Yukio Mishima's erotic experience at the sight of the body of Saint Sebastian: the saint's pierced body arouses sexual desire in the Japanese writer.
The body presented in the video is "the Body", which, from an upside down perspective, becomes sacred precisely because it's able of experiencing Pleasure and being its vehicle.
The Body awaits "the other" because it exists to share Pleasure, but the world isn't ready to welcome such great beauty. Therefore, the Body is bound and mortified.
But Eros, the God who unites the earthly and supersensible dimensions, infuses himself into the Body as a shining light. The Body docilely welcomes the light of Eros, it becomes God's means, so much so that it is pierced by his arrows of Love.
By agreeing to sacrifice itself, to give itself without reservations, the Body completes its radiant destiny: to become a vehicle of the Pleasure that generates true fullness.
Required technique: TV or PC screen with opening for USB stick
Artist, Bologna
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