category Installation
subject Nude, Beauty, Abstract
tags installation, sculpture, acetate, recycling, acetato, francescoardini
base 45 cm
height 90 cm
depth 45 cm
year 2023
Connections with body and sensual allure are always present in my works.
Raw acetate is very a sensational material to work with. I want to play with acetate extrusion in its pure, milky, natural color.
I want to use it over some old chairs and mould it when it is still malleable.
I will create collapsing bodies on chairs, defeated by time. The processing of the development of the work is closely related to one of the key steps in the production of acetate.
(Italian) Craftsmanship, time, and the uniqueness of the material are key elements of the language.
Francesco Ardini
Sculptor, Nove
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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