Cradle for heavy souls

Cradle for heavy souls
Cradle for heavy souls
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Nature
tags pesantezza, calore, pietra, energia, feltro, natura
base 160 cm
height 150 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2022
A heavy soul is like a stone, they are both a precious treasure often marginalized. They’re heavy because they can feel the weight of life and they are stuck with their “roots” in the ground. This is the reason why the artist decided to create a cradle for a stone. She wanted to give it the possibility to feel for a while how it is to be light, how it is to fly and not to feel the burden of being. She decided to cover the iron structure with felt because it’s a material that can preserve heat and protect from energy’s dispersion.

unique edition
felt, stone, iron, chains
Lucrezia Costa
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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