
category Painting
subject Nature
tags dentro fuori, inside outside, fogli, sheets, art magazine, rivista d'arte, spazio vuoto, space, void, tempo, time, attesa, waiting, traformazione, transformation, sospensione, suspension, silenzio, silence
base 25 cm
height 38 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2016
Series of acrylic and pastel paintings on art magazine sheets (Mousse)

“There are two bodies — the rudimental and the complete; corresponding with the two conditions of the worm and the butterfly. Our present incarnation is progressive, preparatory, temporary. “
Edgar Alla Poe

Chysalis is a work made up of small paintings realized on sheets selected by the contemporary art magazine Mousse. The contours of each chrysalis are traced on reproductions of works of art chosen for their graphic and chromatic quality. The painted background suspends and highlights the chrysalis
In this way I obtain an image that is born from the intersection of the traced shape and the existing image on the journal sheet. The process that leads to the creation of the work takes into account the slow flow of time through the daily practice of leafing through, covering and highlighting. It is a reflection on art and its ability to synthesize concepts articulated within forms, images and visual solutions.
Clara Luiselli
Artist, Bergamo
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exibart prize N4
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