Dont forget

Dont forget
Dont forget
category Performance
subject Political / Social
tags Dont forget, Performance, 2023, Politico sociale
hours 2
minutes 0
seconds 0
year 2023
It has been for forty years that the Islamic "Republic" of Iran has been infringing on the freedom of thought of its citizens, its people. Mahsa Amini, a young woman, died after being arrested and beaten by the police just because she did not wear her headscarf properly. Since that September 16, 2022, thousands of young people and others have taken to the streets in protest.

Iranians united under the motto "woman, life, freedom" are fighting for freedom, against the violation of human rights. Voices being brutally suppressed with arrests, torture, hangings, violence... A global chorus of solidarity and protest has risen for international communities to intervene to protect Iranians.

There is a saying that brings this aberrant situation to light in its starkest reality: "They wash their clothes in blood." Spilled blood cannot be washed; it remains indelible as an immutable stain on the conscience of those who have been guilty of such crimes.
Performance, one edition
Artist, Turin
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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