tavolino da caffè

tavolino da caffè
category Video
subject Political / Social
minutes 1
seconds 43
year 2020
The sculpture, video work and performance Coffee table represents a projection of the artist's emotions after suffering an act of sexual violence: claustrophobia, suffocation and inability to move and react.
The artist has chosen to undergo again the same sensations experienced in that particular crushes and immobilizes the body without showing the discomfort and pain caused from the outside.

In addition, the breasts come out from the table downwards and the buttocks upwards, in order to outline a distorted and disabling situation even for the viewer. The sense of intimacy is plundered: the artist finds himself blocked and helpless inside the table without having control over what can happen.
As for the video, the stylistic choice of the fixed camera, of a few prolonged and monotonous scenes, leads the viewer to identify with an unlikely home context given by the setting and the surreal indifference of the characters.
This last choice reflects the fact that the act of violence took place in a protected place, an environment of apparent and supposed safety in which one is not aware of the danger.
Carlotta Proietto
Digital artist, Painter, Video artist, Milan
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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