Energetic Paradox – Selenite

Energetic Paradox – Selenite
Energetic Paradox – Selenite
category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags #spiritual, #installation, #soul, #crystal
base 400 cm
height 5 cm
depth 300 cm
year 2021
The title of the work Energetic Paradox refers to an existential paradox in which the energy produced to destroy an element meets the energy needed to recreate the idea of it. A constant relationship of meaning and signifier that defines the world around us.
The work is achieved by creating a flat surface of brass flakes on which rests a translucent Selenite crystal ball. The flakes are obtained through the mechanical destruction of domestic and urban objects no longer in use. These elements are pressed together and then violently crushed into small parts several millimeters long. Selenite crystal, on the other hand, is a natural element, subsequently made in a spherical shape, which is used above all in the world of mental practices such as meditation, crystal therapy or self-realization activities for spiritual purposes. These two elements, apparently distant, interact in the environment on the level of construction-destruction and on the level of the visible-invisible. The artificially produced flakes have a defined formal and chronological history and become a basis on which to lay an ambiguous element of metaphysical utility, such as the crystal sphere.

- Brass flakes, Selenite crystal sphere
- Edition: unique work
Stefan Milosavljevic
Artist, Vicenza
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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