category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags equilibrio scrittura ripetizione parole poesia
base 120 cm
height 120 cm
depth 200 cm
year 2020
500 spinning tops, painting, ink
Mixed technique
When the spinning top turns is wonderful, it enchants us, it seems to dance. Speed blurs outlines and details and, only when it falls slowly does it stop, does it find a different, more stable balance, and allows us to observe it better. Now we notice the decorations and its sinuous shape, but also its imperfections, the smudges of the color, the dents.
But the tops are not satisfied with their new balance, they would like to remain standing, always dancing, not submit to an "indifferent balance *", easy. So they have to try again, and enjoy the thrill of that magical moment again. It is a hypnotic rhythm, which in its repetition fascinates us and makes us think of the possible catastrophe in the moment of the fall and the interruption of its twisting, as in life fragility is therefore only apparently precarious and ruinous.

* In physics a body is in an indifferent equilibrium when, moved slightly from its equilibrium position, it remains stably in the new position (unstable equilibrium occurs when the potential energy is maximum).
alessandra maio
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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