Even the walls know your lies

Even the walls know your lies
Even the walls know your lies
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Architecture
tags #walls, #powder, #war, #bombs
base 700 cm
height 0 cm
depth 400 cm
year 2016
Drawing upon my experience of emigrating from Serbia to Italy as a young child, I created an installation using various types of construction materials that have been manually pulverized and scattered on the floor. These powders outline the perimeter of the dinning room is synthesised into simple forms: wooden objects are outlined with sawdust, walls are represented by concrete, plaster, brick and glass powder, while other accessories are signified by ceramic pigments and dust. Each element assumes a fragile appearance, reference the delicate nature of memory and conjuring an emotional geography of the domestic landscape.

Text from the A house, halfway catalog curated by Lorenzo Balbi, Andrew de Brún, Inês Geraldes Cardoso, Kateryna Filyuk.
© Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

- Material: bricks, sawdust, glass, ceramics, plaster, ash, concrete, paprika,
vegeta, chalk, coal, pigments.
- Ambiental dimensions
- Edition of 3
Stefan Milosavljevic
Artist, Vicenza
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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