category Sculpture
subject Erothism, Political / Social
base 30 cm
height 70 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2020
The title of the work is the imperative of the verb to do and lends itself to the listener's ear almost like an order. The word phallus is a term of Latin derivation that refers to the male genitals. This association of words is fully manifested in the phallic form of the work, which is nothing more than the result of the assembly of a baton and a pair of handcuffs.
At the base of this work there is a study focused on the symbols of power and the way in which it manifests itself. The two objects in question are, in fact, destined to subdue and to harm, they are inextricably linked to physical violence which, with the same firmness, is linked to the male world.
The sculpture, with the explanatory rigidity it brings with it, refers to the male erection, helping to tell a concept of virility in a broad sense and to represent man as a being gifted at birth with the mental weapons to do harm. This extreme masculinity, which sees sexuality and its body as a title of predominance, is the only weapon needed to be lethal.
Lorenzo Montinaro
Artist, Taranto
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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