Metamorfosi antropologica

Metamorfosi antropologica
Metamorfosi antropologica
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Human figure, Beauty, Architecture
tags soliedarietà, coscienza di classe, resistenza, rivoluzione, operai , l’assoggettamento, città, rivolta
base 162 cm
height 42 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2017
Anthropologic Metamorphosis
Mixed media: oil, crayons, pencil on paper,
The cold, serious, submissive city is mobilizing against subjugation, it wants to self-regulate its own rhythm, space and production. An air of hope is breathed in. A collective flourishing hope. Workers feel like they’re part of something, an integral and decisive part of society. The owners of this society feel threatened by them, by their know-how of production and creation, by their hope in a better future.
Uncertainty and indifference crush this lively atmosphere. The workers end up isolated, on their own. The workers resist even if it’s considered an impossible task, the workers resist for months despite being alone, they show the possibility of what has always been considered impossible by 'everybody'.
They resist against subjugation, against alienation, they create and show another world, they reaffirm the need for solidarity and coexistence in the fight.
arvin golrokh
Painter, Tehran
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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