
category Sculpture
subject Nature
tags Scultura
base 60 cm
height 220 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2021
Feather represents the lightness of thought, spirit and life. The color and the material with which it was made show the heaviness and courage with each man must arm himself to be able to see that beauty every day. For this work I did not start from a concept but, on the contrary, I let myself be carried by the materials, by the instant, by the images of my experience assimilated over time. During the creative process, principles such as beauty, patience, precision, constancy, hope and trust guided me, besides the welding technique. The final result is a large tapered feather that, at first, is intimidating but, once familiar with it, manages to instill a sense of harmony, becoming a source of inspiration for reflection.
The artwork has a steel base, which can be separated from the feather. This is desired both for ease of transport and because, in this way, the work can rotate 360 ​​degrees on itself, by applying light pressure on one of its protuberances. The steel has undergone two different oxidation processes, in a time of about 60 days, for this reason it has acquired color streaks, which go from midnight blue to black to red earth. Finally, the oxidation process was stopped once the right shade was reached. Therefore, colored paints were not used to make the work as natural as possible and observe the defects in the coloring of the oxidation, which are transformed into the determining points of it. The protuberances are welded to the stem one by one and are made of a cooked steel wire.
Sculptor, Rome
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exibart prize N4
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