
category Sculpture
subject Nature, Beauty
tags temperance, balance, coexistence, synergy, patience, life, cocreation, nature
base 50 cm
height 45 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
NumberFourteen is a ‘Viral Nature’ sculptural iteration commissioned by Galleria Sinopia Roma and Sinopia Landscape for the ‘Lentē’ exhibition.

With yourself, with the world around.
With your centre, with the centre of the world around.
NumberFourteen is Temperance.

Temperance is the quality of those who aim to find balance and harmony within themselves and with the world around them. It is what this sculpture is about, an artefact where all element of nature coexist and act together in synergy.

In the book of tarots, the fourteenth trump of the major arcana is the representation of a divine being transferring water from one cup to the other. A being able to moderate the forces it interacts with, able to act responsibly by mitigating instincts with intellect and emotions, able to exist ‘alongside’ rather than ‘on’ earth, able to see its essence in its surroundings and the surroundings within itself, the outside inside and the inside out.

Viral Nature is the composite biosynthetic material of which NumberFourteen is made. The material is able to host and nurture life, with the passing of time the material and the ecosystem it generates grow, change and, according to the natural cycle of life, decay and die. This artefact, designed for Galleria Sinopia Roma and Sinopia Landscape is aesthetically characterised by a concave space meant to accept water. The material ability to absorb water creates a visible dialogue between the aesthetic and the essential nature of the material. Nature, shape and water through synergy and patience contribute in creating life, the greatest act of temperance of the universe.
Martina Taranto
Artist, Calatafimi
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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