Figura Intera (Fronte retro 04122023), Serie Aniconico

Figura Intera (Fronte retro 04122023), Serie Aniconico
Figura Intera (Fronte retro 04122023), Serie Aniconico
category Photography
subject Human figure, Abstract, Architecture
tags offcamera, impronta, immagine, corpo, icona, mosaico, selfie, fotografia, pelle
base 150 cm
height 150 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
"Adhesive tape, silver nitrate, fingerprints, paper
Aniconic Series: 2020-present
The artwork is the largest ever created within the Aniconic series. The works in the Aniconic series are mosaics of traces of skin, a form of self-portrait of the artist's body. Each tile is a small photographic development derived from mapping the body through the contact between the epidermis and adhesive tape. The mineral salts, captured through the adhesive tape and reacting with silver nitrate, give rise to off-camera photographic developments. The skin, an envelope that separates and simultaneously connects to the external world, becomes a tool for measuring and recording reality. The body seems to almost disappear, fragmented into pieces, revealing elements of a human figure (ear, mouth, eyelids), but the physiognomy is never recognizable in its subjectivity. Geometry has always narrated the 'created' when figurative images cannot or are not desired to be used. In these mosaics, recompositions are a form of secular reworking of sacred geometry in which the body becomes 'universal,' no longer recognizable and represented but presented in its materiality."
Francesca Piovesan
Photographer, Performer, Sculptor, Artist, Aviano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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