Frozen Dawn

Frozen Dawn
Frozen Dawn
category Photography
subject Human figure
base 70 cm
height 100 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2022
The writing and realization of this photographic series, "Frozen Dawn", was born from my inner impulse to create a visual story, singular images, which managed to convey to the viewer an icy, mysterious and completely surreal atmosphere. Therefore, every little detail of this project has been thought out and meticulously cared for by me and my team: from the choice of a subject with unique characteristics, such as Lucia, an albino girl, up to the choice of shooting at dawn, to get even more plus the sense of mystery and unusualness of the situation being told. To emphasize all this was my choice to experiment technically with my third eye, the camera, playing with long times, double exposures, thus giving movement and dynamism to the visual story to always keep the viewer in a state of suspense. to ensure that curiosity pushes him to continue and ask himself: "What's going on?", "How is it going to end?". “Frozen Dawn” is an unusual photographic story, told through new methods and experiments that make it unique, visually captivating and different.
mirko sperlonga
Photographer, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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