Game. No War

Game. No War
Game. No War
category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags sculpture , tank , marble, nowar, concept , risiko
base 1000 cm
height 600 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2017
Sculptural installation of 206 small tanks in marble, stone, granite and quartzite
"GAME NO WAR", recalls the famous slogan "Make love, no war", in which WAR is not the answer to the solution of humanity's problems.
Even for me, the call to the need to give a light perspective to the future of all of us translates into the re-evaluation of the playful dimension, where the game helps to make our existence lighter, but above all represents a moment of aggregation free from the infingiments of the interests of the few to the detriment of the many.
The transformation of the elements of war into objects of play means the condemnation of an element, war, which over the centuries has brought nothing but impoverishment and pain to mankind.
The materials used in this installation, coming from different parts of the earth, and united together, brings the mind back to the desire for union and sharing, rather than that of separation and dominance.
The 206 tanks represent the 206 states of the world with their colors, different from each other but assembled in copies conforming to a prototype, report to the meaning of the union of people, different by ethnicity and culture, but in reality united by belonging to the same genre.
In essence, a strong call to sharing and the essential need to unite to be better, remembering the aristotelian nature of man to be a "social animal".
Beppe Borella
Sculptor, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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