I miei sogni ballano verso la libertà

I miei sogni ballano verso la libertà
I miei sogni ballano verso la libertà
category Performance
subject Political / Social
tags I miei sogni ballano verso la libertà, Performance, 2022, Politico sociale
minutes 30
seconds 0
year 2022
Through the performance "My Dreams Dance to Freedom," Bahar Heidarzade attempts to restore dignity to women. The artist reclaims her desires and, to the rhythm of music, makes them dance like black marks on a roll of white paper.

During each session, Bahar draws on a 60-meter-long sheet of paper that he adds to those he has worked on previously, resulting in a narrative that, begun in 2018, is now more relevant than ever.

Traces of these actions remain in the installation: nearly 200 meters of paper invade the room, crossing it the visitor surrounds himself with the dreams of the artist and all Iranian women fighting for freedom today.
Performance, one edition
Artist, Turin
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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