
category Video
subject Landscape, Nature, Human figure, Abstract, Animal
minutes 7
seconds 59
year 2023
Single channel video, HD, 16:9, color, sound.

“Human beings want to see. Looking is an immediate need. Curiosity makes the spirit dynamic. But forces of vision seem to be active in nature itself. Close and reciprocal relationships exist between contemplated nature and contemplative nature." -
Gaston Bachelard, psychoanalysis of waters

The work “Hydromancy” draws inspiration from the ecsides of insects.
The moult in my work symbolizes the set of experiences and identity traits that have shaped them, of their constant change. They have an organic value and a specific temporal dimension. In this work, the wetsuit interacts with the water element, moving and merging into it, until it detaches itself from the body that inhabits it. A presence, water, which inexorably links human beings to nature as it is necessary for the existence and survival of all. A continuous and inexorable force that changes itself and the territory in its entirety, continuously.
Susana Ljuljanovic
Painter, Video artist, Artist, Bologna
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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